What is this about?

This won’t be about whatever glorified proxy ad you see on Youtube that “Defends you against them evil hackers wearing a hoodie and gloves because it encrypts your data so they can’t steal your info!!!!11!111!”, this will be about settings, building and running your own vpn and other things like that.

I mean, you wanna access some stuff that’s blocked in your country, need to change or hide your IP real quick and Tails, Tor and ProxyChains just won’t do it? Sure go for it I guess ¯\(ツ)

But remember that at all times your vpn provider will see and can, to a certain extent, control, reroute and modify everything you do… You will also be running your traffic through a bottlenecked system where knowing who’s doing what, where and when automatically and massively is made a lot easier, since, clearly, VPNs are the perfect place to look at when you want to find people doing shady stuff right?

So put on your tinfoil hat when you turn it on eh? :p