

Doing bad things is bad, I’m not responsible for your fuck-ups, broken/bricked stuff or even death due to improper handling, messing around with things, getting shot, … So yeah, everything comes as is with no waranty. GG, GL, HF! :D

Who are you?

A random dude in Cybersec with too much spare time

What is this all about?

Some knowledge about things and thingies that I use/have used on the job

Where are you based?

Canada ATM

When is this going to be updated?

Whenever I have some spare time and something pops up in my head

Why are you doing this?


How is this supposed to be read?

Ctrl+F whatever you need

5W1H much?



I’ll set some stuff up eventually I suppose…


Sure, send a pull request or something and we can start from there ;)