Client/AP Isolation
What is this about?
Dropping a common security setting on guest networks and start poking around.
What are you talking about?
Client isolation or AP isolation is a setting on your hotspot that you can turn on to isolate connected clients so that they can’t communicate with/see others. Which is a nice thing to turn on when you don’t know/trust everyone on your network, say for a guest Wi-Fi.
But since you control the settings, why turn that on?
The game plan
This can be done by simply turning on any Wi-Fi AP that clones the properties and not checking the network isolation box, but this wouldn’t be fun. So lets also go through a random tool you can use so that you’ll have a starterpack for other things you could do!
Step 0
Read this
What now?
We’re not going for sslsplit attacks or phishing attacks, we’re going for the responder one, but with a twist.
For starters, lets run a basic instance of rogue. You can specify whichever protocol/auth you want to use but lets do a simple version and go for an open network. There are a couple of ways to config the tool, either modify the default or just run with options. You can use the responder option but this is limited to specific environments.
To start this you want to clone the target’s channel + ESSID + BSSID and relay whatever to the actual Internet through your computer’s Internet connection, then you just need to run a
python -i <potato-interface> -c <target channel> -e <target ESSID> -b <target BSSID> --auth open --internet
Once up you can play the deauth game or simply wait for someone to connect. In the meantime you could RTFM ;)
Someone connected!
Good! Since you’re also on the network and there is no client isolation, start your Responder and wait for, or force, someone to connect to something that needs NTLM auth to get some hashes.
./ -I <your interface> -rPv
What that’s it?
Well if you have some extra time on your hands and already have access to the internal network, you could set it up to go for SMBRelay attacks and target admins or whatever other PtH scenario you want.