Radio Frequency


Having RF jamming equipment just because is illegal more or less everywhere, actively running RF jamming equipment is, you guessed it, also illegal. Don’t be a dick and start jamming stuff randomly just because you can, people’s life sometime depend on it and you’re going to get nuked into orbit if you do.

FIY, Transmitting stuff on restricted frequencies will also get you nuked into orbit, and if you live close to an airport, military base, official govt building, …, you better not fuck around because you’ll quite probably get insta-SWATted and then get nuked into the sun, or not depending on what you’re playing with and who’s listening.

No one will know if you’re listening though ;)

Pre reqs

You’ll need some RTL-SDR equipment, possibly a Faraday cage and a couple of antennas. I’d suggest you start with a HackRF for many reasons, but hey, do whatever you want! You’ll also need at least an amateur radio license/be an amateur radio operator for some things on this list, to get that just checkout your local laws and figure it out.

What is this about?

RTL-SDR, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, …, will end up here.


Danish tribes and their unification into one kingdom. No wait that’s the other Bluetooth stuff…

click me!

Cell phones

2G Downgrade attack

Oh your MFA goes through SMS so it’s all cool? You’re still living in some part of the world that hasn’t phased out 2G network and/or your phone is compatible with 2G?

click me!

Building your own setup

I mean, ya gotta build your Stingray somehow right?

click me!


Lockpicking but through the airwaves, what else is there to say!?

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Yep, we’re gonna broadcast stuff and hook some TVs. Because who monitors TV activity on the network anyway?

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The Open Freqs (433 MHZ/868 MHz/915 MHz/…)

Garage door openers, headphones, remote controls, light dimmers, wireless alarm systems, wireless cameras. And so much more stuff!

click me!


Need access to a network but can’t get in the building? Can’t go around warshipping stuff? No fiber tapping gear laying around? Well then this is for you!

click me!